This is a painting that have been on the back burner for some time now…
It was meant to be cleaner when it got started but having started painting in a new direction this painting got dragged into it and as such it is somewhere inbetween.
So it is William S. Burroughs in the guise of Baron Samedi of Vodou fame.
The head honcho of the dead forgotten.
There is a lot to say of both Burroughs and Baron samedi to get into here as I am too lazy to spend two days writing about it!
But for sure some will get the connections and if not just investigate and be fascinated for aeons to come!
It was meant to be cleaner when it got started but having started painting in a new direction this painting got dragged into it and as such it is somewhere inbetween.
So it is William S. Burroughs in the guise of Baron Samedi of Vodou fame.
The head honcho of the dead forgotten.
There is a lot to say of both Burroughs and Baron samedi to get into here as I am too lazy to spend two days writing about it!
But for sure some will get the connections and if not just investigate and be fascinated for aeons to come!